Graduate Catalog

Waiver of Courses

A student may seek a waiver of a course or course requirement based on competency or experience in one or more of the following ways. Supporting documentation must be included in the waiver request.

  1. A written or oral examination by a faculty member in the area in which competence is to be assessed (with consent of instructor).
  2. Demonstration of skill, behavior, or other knowledge that clearly reveals mastery in the area in which competence is to be assessed.
  3. A written recommendation from an outside authority recognized by Lewis & Clark (such as a licensed principal or superintendent), followed by a thorough review of the recommendation by a faculty member in the area in which competence is to be tested.

All required courses that are waived must be replaced by pre-approved elective coursework with equivalent credit. Lewis & Clark does not grant credit for courses waived. Waiver request forms and information about specific waiver procedures are available in each department office and in the graduate registrar's office.

Waiving Courses for Licensure and Endorsement Programs
There is no limit to the number of courses that a student may petition to waive toward earning a license or endorsement; however, students must earn at least six semester hours of credit through a program at Lewis & Clark in order to be recommended by Lewis & Clark to the licensing agency or organization. Students in education licensure programs may petition the Oregon Teacher Standards and Practices Commission (TSPC) if they are dissatisfied with the denial of a request for waiver.