Graduate Catalog

Cross Registration

Current Lewis & Clark undergraduate students may register for graduate level classes as special students. Undergraduate students may be eligible to register for designated courses at the graduate school if they have completed 93 undergraduate credits, are in good standing, are registered as full-time students* (taking no fewer than 12 credits) during the semester of cross-registration at the College of Arts and Sciences, and have obtained the consent of the graduate course instructor and graduate registrar. Course fees are the responsibility of the student.

In order to apply credit earned in a graduate course to an undergraduate major, the student must obtain approval in advance from the major department chair in the College of Arts and Sciences.

Lewis & Clark law students may be eligible to register for designated courses at the graduate school. Law students must have completed the first year of law school and must obtain approval in advance from the registrar at the law school. They must be in good standing, registered as full-time students* (taking no fewer than 12 credits) during the semester of cross-registration at the law school, and have obtained the consent of the graduate course instructor and graduate registrar. Course fees are the responsibility of the student.

*During the summer, students need not be registered as full-time students at the College of Arts and Sciences or the Law School, but regular graduate tuition rates will be assessed for graduate credits.