Graduate Catalog

Continuous Enrollment/Leave of Absence

Students who elect to interrupt their studies must demonstrate a valid reason (i.e. illness, family emergency, etc.) to obtain an approved leave of absence. Students must complete the online application for a leave of absence and receive approval from their program director. If approved, all academic requirements in effect for that student at the time the leave is granted remain upon the student’s return. Programs of study must be completed within 5 years of matriculation (6 years for doctoral programs), and approved leaves of absence do not affect this requirement. A leave of absence cannot exceed 12 months.

Students with an approved leave of absence who do not return and remain unenrolled for more than 12 months will be required to apply for readmission to the program, and will be responsible for meeting the program requirements outlined in the graduate catalog at the time of their readmission. Readmission instructions may be found at this link:

Students who do not request a leave, and who fail to enroll in classes for 12 months, will be required to apply for readmission to the program, and will be responsible for meeting the program requirements outlined in the graduate catalog at the time of their readmission. An exception to this is the doctoral program in which students are required to be continuously enrolled from the date of admission through and including the successful defense of their dissertation, completion of all coursework, revisions, and content editing of the dissertation.

On rare occasions the College may require students to take an involuntary leave of absence. More information can be found in the Student Involuntary Leave of Absence Policy.