Mathematical Sciences

Chair: Elizabeth Stanhope
Administrative Coordinator: Donna Kerr

The mathematical sciences—mathematics, statistics, and computer science—continue to play a central role in the evolution of civilization. With a focus on patterns and structure, and with methodologies based on computation and representation of information, the mathematical sciences foster coherence and understanding that enable technology and broaden insights about the world of natural science.

The goal of the department is to acquaint students with this role as it relates to developments within the mathematical sciences, as well as to applications to other disciplines. The department focuses on two distinct but complementary responsibilities: the mathematical sciences as an essential component of a liberal arts education and the mathematical sciences as a major course of study.

The department’s courses present the many aspects of the mathematical sciences: as a means of structuring the world of knowledge, as an art form, as an enabler of other disciplines, and as a historical force. As a consequence, the department provides the requisite mathematical, computational, and statistical content and methodology for allied disciplines as well as three comprehensive major programs. 

Resources for Nonmajors

The following courses are designed with nonmajors in mind: 

QR 101 is intended for those students who need more preparation for college-level mathematics and science. Students who do not pass Lewis & Clark’s quantitative reasoning exam should enroll in this course.

CS 107 Perspectives in Computer Science stresses connections among contemporary mathematics, statistics, computer science, and modern society.

MATH 115 Elementary Functions allows students to explore and become comfortable with the functions used in introductory calculus and computer science courses.

MATH 123 Calculus & Statistics for Modeling the Life Sciences introduces foundational quantitative skills that are relevant to problem-solving in the life sciences.

MATH 255 Statistical Concepts and Methods introduces the main ideas of modern statistics with applications to problems encountered in various disciplines, especially the natural sciences.

The Major Programs

The department supports three majors: one in mathematics, one in computer science and mathematics, and one in computer science.

Students intending to major in any of these programs should have four years of high school mathematics, including, at a minimum, two years of algebra, a course in geometry, and a course in precalculus mathematics (including analytical geometry and trigonometry). Most well-prepared students begin their college mathematics programs with calculus (MATH 131 Calculus I, MATH 132 Calculus II, or MATH 233 Multivariable and Vector Calculus) and their college computer science programs with CS 171 Computer Science I. Students who have received Advanced Placement credit, or who have significant computer science experience, should consult with a member of the department for proper placement. For students without strong backgrounds in mathematics, the department offers MATH 115 Elementary Functions to prepare them for work in calculus and computer science.

Students majoring in CSMT may not also earn any other major or minor from the department. Students majoring in mathematics may not earn a minor in mathematics. Students majoring in computer science may not earn a minor in computer science. 

Major Requirements: Computer Science

A minimum of 44 semester credits in the mathematical sciences numbered 171 and above, including the following:

  • CS 171 Computer Science I

  • CS 172 Computer Science II

  • CS 230 Computational Mathematics or MATH 132 Calculus II

  • CS 383 Algorithm Design and Analysis

  • One of the following:
    CS 277Computer Architecture and Assembly Languages
    CS 293Networks and Web Development
  • MATH 255 Statistical Concepts and Methods

  • CS 488 Software Development

  • At least 16 additional semester credits in computer science numbered 200 or above.

Major Requirements: Computer Science and Mathematics

A minimum of 40 semester credits in the mathematical sciences numbered 171 and above, including the following:

  • CS 171 Computer Science I

  • CS 172 Computer Science II

  • CS 383 Algorithm Design and Analysis

  • One of the following:

    CS 277Computer Architecture and Assembly Languages
    CS 293Networks and Web Development
  • MATH 215 Discrete Mathematics

  • MATH 225 Linear Algebra

  • At least 4 additional semester credits in mathematics courses numbered 200 or above.

  • At least 4 additional semester credits in mathematics courses numbered 300 or above.

  • At least 8 additional semester credits in computer science courses numbered 200 or above.

CS 230 Computational Mathematics does not count toward this major.

Major Requirements: Mathematics

A minimum of 36 semester credits in mathematics courses numbered 171 and above, including the following:

  • CS 171 Computer Science I

  • MATH 215 Discrete Mathematics

  • MATH 225 Linear Algebra

  • MATH 233 Multivariable and Vector Calculus

  • At least 16 additional semester credits at the 300 or 400 level, at least 12 of which must be in mathematics courses.

  • At least 4 additional semester credits in mathematics or computer science courses numbered 171 and above.

CS 230 Computational Mathematics does not count toward this major.

Minor Requirements: Computer Science

A minimum of 20 semester credits, including the following:

  • 16 semester credits in computer science courses numbered 171 and above.

  • CS 230 Computational Mathematics or 4 semester credits in mathematics courses numbered 115 and above.

Minor Requirements: Mathematics

A minimum of 16 semester credits in mathematics courses numbered 200 and above, including the following:

  • MATH 215 Discrete Mathematics

  • MATH 225 Linear Algebra

  • At least 4 semester credits in mathematics at the 300 or 400 level

Concentration in Cybersecurity (Optional)

A minimum of 14 credits distributed as follows:

  • CS 111 Introduction to Cybersecurity
  • CS 211 Computer and Network Security
  • CS 293 Networks and Web Development
  • One course chosen from the following:
    Global Security
    Human-Computer Interaction

The concentration in cybersecurity may be pursued only by those with a declared computer science major, computer science and math major, or computer science minor.


Departmental honors will be awarded by the department to students who produce an outstanding senior thesis. Students who have produced exceptional work in either CS 491 Thesis Preparation or MATH 491 Thesis Preparation, or as part of a summer research project, submit a thesis proposal before the first day of the term in which they wish to complete their thesis. If the department approves the proposal, then the student may enroll in either CS 496 Senior Thesis or MATH 496 Senior Thesis, as appropriate, and no later than the 12th week of the semester submits the completed thesis to the department for approval. If the honors thesis is approved, the student presents a summary at a departmental forum. A cumulative GPA of 3.500 or higher, both in the major and overall, is required.


Paul T. Allen. Associate professor of mathematics. Geometric Analysis, Differential Equations, Mathematical Relativity. PhD 2007, MS 2003 University of Oregon. BS 2001 University of Puget Sound.

Yung-Pin Chen. Professor of statistics. Statistics, Sequential Designs. Probability, Stochastic Processes. PhD 1994 Purdue University. BS 1984 National Chengchi University, Taiwan.

Peter Drake. Associate professor of computer science. Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, Software Development. PhD 2002 Indiana University. MS 1995 Oregon State University. BA 1993 Willamette University.

Jeffrey S. Ely. Associate professor of computer science. Computer Graphics, Numerical Analysis. PhD 1990, MS 1981, BS 1976 Ohio State University.

Andrew Fry. Assistant professor of mathematics. Combinatorics, Moduli Spaces, Tropical Geometry. PhD 2021, MS 2019 Colorado State University. BS 2015 Western Oregon University.

Jens Mache. Professor of computer science. Parallel and distributed systems, computer networks, cybersecurity. PhD 1999 University of Oregon. MS 1994 Southern Oregon University. Vordiplom 1992 Universitaet Karlsruhe.

Elizabeth A. Stanhope. Professor of mathematics and department chair. Differential geometry, spectral geometry. PhD 2002, AM 1999 Dartmouth College. BA 1995 Carleton College.

Iva Stavrov. Professor of mathematics. Differential geometry, algebraic topology. PhD 2003, MS 2001 University of Oregon. BS 1998 University of Belgrade.

Sweta Suryanarayan. Assistant professor with term of mathematics. Algebraic topology, algebraic geometry, combinatorics. PhD 2012 University of Washington. MSc 2004 Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, India. BSc 2002 SIES College of Arts, Science and Commerce, University of Mumbai.

Computer Science Courses

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CS 107 Perspectives in Computer Science

Content: Introduction to computer science. Algorithmic thinking, the nature of electronic computers, and the place of information technology in society. Simple programming including variables, if statements, and loops.
Prerequisites: QR 101 or equivalent.
Usually offered: Annually, fall and spring semester.
Semester credits: 4.

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CS 111 Introduction to Cybersecurity

Content: A multidisciplinary look at the important social and technical issues surrounding security and privacy in our connected world. Faculty from multiple disciplines will provide perspective and expertise on topics including attacks, defenses, cryptography, social engineering, ethics, cyber-terrorism, civil liberties, privacy, and hacker culture. A technical background is not required to take the class.
Prerequisites: None.
Usually offered: Annually, fall and spring semester.
Semester credits: 2.

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CS 171 Computer Science I

Content: Basic techniques for solving problems amenable to solution through the use of a high-level computer programming language. Emphasis on solving a problem via a program and on the skills to write programs solving complex problems. Variables, data types, branches, loops, arrays, functional decomposition.
Prerequisites: MATH 115 or equivalent.
Usually offered: Annually, fall and spring semester.
Semester credits: 4.

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CS 172 Computer Science II

Content: Data structures and algorithmic techniques that are fundamental in programming solutions to complex problems. Abstract data types, lists, stacks, queues, trees, graphs. Array-based and linked structures. Use and simple analysis of iterative and recursive algorithms. Introduction to object-oriented programming.
Prerequisites: CS 171.
Usually offered: Annually, fall and spring semester.
Semester credits: 4.

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CS 211 Computer and Network Security

Content: Introduction to principles and practices of computer and network security. Topics may include cryptography, command-line scripting, penetration testing, intrusion detection, incident response, analysis of attacks on web applications, mobile devices, internet of things.
Prerequisites: CS 171.
Usually offered: Annually, fall semester.
Semester credits: 4.

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CS 230 Computational Mathematics

Content: Overview of the kinds of problems that arise in calculus and physics. Emphasis on computer solutions. Topics include differentiation, integration, linear systems, ordinary differential equations, approximation.
Prerequisites: MATH 115 or equivalent. CS 171.
Usually offered: Alternate Years, spring semester.
Semester credits: 4.

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CS 240 Databases

Content: Introduction to the theory and practice of database systems. Designing, cre­ating, manipulating, and accessing databases. Data curation, legal and ethical issues, middleware (software layer between a database and its users) considerations.
Prerequisites: CS 171.
Usually offered: Alternate Years, spring semester.
Semester credits: 4.

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CS 277 Computer Architecture and Assembly Languages

Content: Computer-design concepts and assembly languages. Topics chosen from the following: digital logic; arithmetic/logic units; instruction sets; memory addressing modes; parameter passing; macro facilities; binary representation of information; pointers.
Prerequisites: CS 172.
Usually offered: Alternate Years, spring semester.
Semester credits: 4.

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CS 293 Networks and Web Development

Content: Introduction to computer networks and Web development. Topics may include internet protocols, client-server computing, distributed applications, databases.
Prerequisites: CS 172.
Usually offered: Annually, spring semester.
Semester credits: 4.

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CS 299 Independent Study

Content: Independent study topic to be arranged with instructor.
Prerequisites: None.
Restrictions: Sophomore standing and consent required.
Usually offered: Annually, fall and spring semester.
Semester credits: 1-4.

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CS 367 Computer Graphics

Content: Two- and three-dimensional computer graphics. Line, circle, filling, windowing, clipping algorithms, three-dimensional perspective projections, hidden line removal, shading, light models.
Prerequisites: CS 172. CS 230 or MATH 132. Familiarity with vectors and matrices recommended.
Usually offered: Annually, fall semester.
Semester credits: 4.

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CS 369 Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Content: Design and construction of intelligent computer systems. Agents and environments; blind, heuristic, and adversarial search; machine learning techniques including neural networks; philosophical issues including definitions of intelligence.
Prerequisites: CS 171 and DSCI 140, or CS 172.
Usually offered: Annually, spring semester.
Semester credits: 4.

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CS 373 Programming Language Structures

Content: Organization, structure, syntax, and grammar of computer programming languages. Basic concepts and special-purpose facilities in several representative high-level languages. Manual and automatic memory management, control structures, scope of declarations, higher-order functions.
Prerequisites: CS 172.
Usually offered: Alternate Years, fall semester.
Semester credits: 4.

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CS 383 Algorithm Design and Analysis

Content: Introduction to the design and analysis of algorithms. Balanced binary search trees; bit vectors; hash tables; heaps; dynamic programming; algorithms including incremental, divide and conquer, greedy, graph.
Prerequisites: CS 172. MATH 132 or CS 230.
Restrictions: Junior standing. Declared major in computer science (CS) or computer science and mathematics (CSMT).
Usually offered: Annually, fall semester.
Semester credits: 4.

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CS 444 Internship/Practicum

Content: Practicum or internship in computer science.
Prerequisites: None.
Restrictions: Sophomore standing required.
Usually offered: Annually, fall and spring semester.
Semester credits: 2.

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CS 465 Theory of Computation

Content: Basic theoretical foundations of computer science including finite-state and pushdown automata, Turing machines, computability, the halting problem, regular expressions, NP-completeness, the relationship between grammars and automata.
Prerequisites: CS 172. MATH 215.
Usually offered: Alternate Years, spring semester.
Semester credits: 4.

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CS 467 Advanced Computer Graphics

Content: Advanced three-dimensional computer graphics. Z-buffer algorithms, Phong smooth shading, ray tracing, texture mapping, spline patches.
Prerequisites: CS 367.
Usually offered: Alternate Years, spring semester.
Semester credits: 4.

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CS 488 Software Development

Content: Development of large software systems by teams of programmers. Problem specification, system design, testing, version control, design patterns. Teams of students work on a semester-long project for an external "customer."
Prerequisites: CS 383.
Restrictions: Junior standing required.
Usually offered: Annually, spring semester.
Semester credits: 4.

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CS 491 Thesis Preparation

Content: Independent research project culminating in a written thesis proposal. Details determined by student in consultation with supervising faculty member.
Prerequisites: None.
Restrictions: Instructor consent required.
Usually offered: Annually, fall and spring semester.
Semester credits: 1-4.

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CS 495 Topics in Computer Science

Content: Determined by student and/or faculty interest. May continue topics from an existing course or explore new areas. May be taken three times for credit under different topics. Requires instructor consent.
Prerequisites: CS 172.
Restrictions: Sophomore standing required.
Usually offered: Alternate Years, fall semester.
Semester credits: 2-4.

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CS 496 Senior Thesis

Content: Independent research project, based upon revision of thesis preparation project or summer research experience, suitable for granting departmental honors. Details determined by student in consultation with supervising faculty member.
Prerequisites: None.
Restrictions: Permission of department to pursue honors. Instructor consent required.
Usually offered: Annually, fall and spring semester.
Semester credits: 4.

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CS 499 Independent Study

Content: Independent study topic to be arranged with instructor.
Prerequisites: None.
Restrictions: Sophomore standing and consent required.
Usually offered: Annually, fall and spring semester.
Semester credits: 1-4.

Mathematics and Statistics Courses

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MATH 115 Elementary Functions

Content: The basic functions encountered in calculus, discrete mathematics, and computer science: polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions and their inverses. Graphs of these functions, their use in problem-solving, their analytical properties. May not be taken for credit if AP Calculus credit has been granted.
Prerequisites: QR 101 or equivalent.
Usually offered: Annually, fall and spring semester.
Semester credits: 4.

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MATH 123 Calculus & Statistics for Modeling the Life Sciences

Content: Use of case studies to introduce students to foundational quantitative skills that are relevant to problem-solving in the life sciences. Included are topics in calculus, probability, statistics, and algorithms.
Prerequisites: MATH 115.
Usually offered: Annually, fall semester.
Semester credits: 4.

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MATH 131 Calculus I

Content: Basic analytical and quantitative reasoning and problem-solving skills that depend on the concept of the limit. Continuity, the derivative and its applications, the fundamental theorem of calculus, introduction to the definite integral with applications. May not be taken for credit if AP calculus credit has been granted.
Prerequisites: MATH 115 or equivalent.
Usually offered: Annually, fall and spring semester.
Semester credits: 4.

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MATH 132 Calculus II

Content: Further development of the definite integral including techniques of integration, applications of the definite integral, indeterminate forms, and improper integrals. Sequences, series of constants, power series, Taylor polynomials and series, introduction to elementary differential equations. May not be taken for credit if AP Calculus BC credit has been granted.
Prerequisites: MATH 131 or equivalent.
Usually offered: Annually, fall and spring semester.
Semester credits: 4.

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MATH 215 Discrete Mathematics

Content: Basic techniques of abstract formal reasoning and representation used in the mathematical sciences. First-order logic, elementary set theory, proof by induction and other techniques, enumeration, relations and functions, graphs, recurrence relations.
Prerequisites: MATH 132 or equivalent.
Usually offered: Annually, fall and spring semester.
Semester credits: 4.

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MATH 225 Linear Algebra

Content: Basic skills and concepts that evolve from the study of systems of linear equations. Systems of linear equations, Euclidean vector spaces and function spaces, linear transformations, matrices and determinants, inner product spaces, eigenvalue problems, symmetric transformations.
Prerequisites: MATH 132 or equivalent.
Usually offered: Annually, fall and spring semester.
Semester credits: 4.

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MATH 233 Multivariable and Vector Calculus

Content: Curvilinear coordinates; parameterization of curves, surfaces, and regions; geometry of vectors and vector fields; differential calculus of functions of several variables; integration over curves, surfaces, and regions; work and flux integrals, divergence, curl, and gradients; theorems of Green, Gauss, and Stokes.
Prerequisites: MATH 132 or equivalent.
Usually offered: Annually, fall and spring semester.
Semester credits: 4.

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MATH 235 Differential Equations

Content: Introduction to theory, methods, and applications of differential equations, emphasizing the analysis of dynamical systems. Elementary modeling, numerical techniques, solutions to linear systems, qualitative analysis of nonlinear systems, nonlinear oscillators, introduction to advanced topics.
Prerequisites: MATH 132 or equivalent.
Usually offered: Annually, fall semester.
Semester credits: 4.

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MATH 244 Math Practicum

Content: Tutoring opportunities (two to four hours onsite per week) at community schools to include one-on-one tutoring or classroom aid for site supervisor. Written reports and consultation with instructor required during semester. Specific math courses or grade levels to be determined by student, site supervisor, and instructor. Credit-no credit. May be taken twice for credit with at most 2 credits counted toward math major.
Prerequisites: None.
Restrictions: Sophomore standing and consent required.
Usually offered: Annually, fall and spring semester.
Semester credits: 1-4.

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MATH 255 Statistical Concepts and Methods

Content: Introduction to principal statistical concepts and methods with emphasis on data. Statistical thinking, the application of statistical methods to other disciplines, and the communication of statistics, both verbally and in writing. Exploratory data analysis, random variables, regression analysis, data production, and statistical inference. Mathematical tools and skills used to address problems posed by collecting, analyzing, and modeling data.
Prerequisites: MATH 131 or equivalent.
Usually offered: Annually, spring semester.
Semester credits: 4.

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MATH 281 Putnam Exam Preparation

Content: Emphasis on problem-solving skills required for success on the Putnam exam. Participation in the exam is required to earn credit. Credit/no credit. May be taken twice for credit.
Prerequisites: None.
Usually offered: Annually, fall semester.
Semester credits: 1.

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MATH 282 Modeling Competition Preparation

Content: Emphasis on mathematical modeling skills required for success in the COMAP Mathematical Modeling Competition and Interdisciplinary Modeling Competition. Participation in the competition is required to earn credit. Credit/no credit. May be taken twice for credit.
Prerequisites: None.
Usually offered: Annually, spring semester.
Semester credits: 1.

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MATH 299 Independent Study

Content: Independent study topic to be arranged with instructor.
Prerequisites: None.
Restrictions: Sophomore standing and consent required.
Usually offered: Annually, fall and spring semester.
Semester credits: 1-4.

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MATH 305 Partial Differential Equations with Applications

Content: Using techniques of multivariate calculus to derive and study the classical linear partial differential equations. Topics include the calculus of variations, initial and boundary value problems, the method of separation of variables, Hilbert spaces, and Fourier series. Additional topics may include special functions, the Fourier transform, and Green's functions.
Prerequisites: MATH 233, MATH 235.
Restrictions: Sophomore standing required.
Usually offered: Annually, spring semester.
Semester credits: 4.

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MATH 315 Number Theory

Content: Divisibility properties of the integers, unique factorization, linear Diophantine equations, congruences, Fermat's and Wilson's theorems, arithmetic functions. Other topics selected from the following: primitive roots and indices, quadratic reciprocity, the theory of prime numbers, continued fractions, sums of squares, analytic number theory.
Prerequisites: MATH 215.
Restrictions: Sophomore standing required.
Usually offered: Alternate Years, fall semester.
Semester credits: 4.

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MATH 325 Combinatorics

Content: Introduction to combinatorial theory, including one or more of the following: enumeration, algebraic enumeration, optimization, graph theory, coding theory, design theory, finite geometries, Latin squares, posets, lattices, Polya counting, Ramsey theory.
Prerequisites: MATH 215 and MATH 225.
Restrictions: Sophomore standing required.
Usually offered: Alternate Years, spring semester.
Semester credits: 4.

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MATH 341 Real Analysis

Content: Development of the ability to understand, construct, and write proofs in analysis. Topics include limits, continuity, differentiation, integration, metric spaces, applications, and generalizations, from an axiomatic perspective.
Prerequisites: MATH 215.
Restrictions: Sophomore standing required.
Usually offered: Annually, fall semester.
Semester credits: 4.

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MATH 345 Numerical Analysis

Content: The theoretical basis, error analysis, and practical techniques of numerical computations. Topics chosen from the following: solutions of systems of linear equations, solutions of nonlinear equations, numerical integration and differentiation, solutions of ordinary differential equations, eigenvalue problems, interpolation, approximation.
Prerequisites: CS 171. MATH 225. MATH 233.
Restrictions: Sophomore standing required.
Usually offered: Alternate Years, spring semester.
Semester credits: 4.

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MATH 351 Linear Models

Content: As an introduction to statistical modeling, this course surveys general model-building methods and studies linear regression analysis that is widely employed for modeling the relationship between a response variable and a set of explanatory variables. It aims to blend both theory and applications to gain an understanding of the concepts and methods for applying statistical modeling techniques in a wide variety of disciplines.
Prerequisites: ECON 103, PSY 200, MATH 105, MATH 123, or MATH 255.
Usually offered: Alternate Years, fall semester.
Semester credits: 4.

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MATH 352 Simulation-Based Statistical Methods

Content: Introduction to simulation-based methods used in statistical inference and scientific computation. Problems in the life sciences will be used to motivate various randomization-based methods including sampling techniques from various distributions, permutation test, bootstrap, random walk, nonparametric inference, Bayesian inference, and Markov chain Monte Carlo.
Prerequisites: ECON 103, PSY 200, MATH 105, MATH 123, MATH 255 or equivalent.
Usually offered: Alternate Years, spring semester.
Semester credits: 4.

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MATH 355 Geometry

Content: Concepts of geometry encompassing both Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometries. Parallelism, distance, angles, triangles, other geometric notions studied from the viewpoint of logic and foundations, transformations or differential geometry.
Prerequisites: MATH 215.
Restrictions: Sophomore standing required.
Usually offered: Alternate Years, fall semester.
Semester credits: 4.

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MATH 365 Complex Variables

Content: Concepts of complex analysis. Complex number system, analytic functions, integration of functions of a complex variable, power series representation, conformal mappings, residue theory.
Prerequisites: MATH 233.
Restrictions: Sophomore standing required.
Usually offered: Alternate Years, fall semester.
Semester credits: 4.

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MATH 421 Abstract Algebra I

Content: A two-semester sequence in abstract algebraic systems. Structure of groups, subgroups, quotient groups, homomorphisms, Fundamental Isomorphism Theorems, rings, ideals, integral domains, polynomial rings, matrix rings, fields, Galois theory, advanced topics in linear algebra.
Prerequisites: MATH 215 and MATH 225.
Restrictions: Sophomore standing required.
Usually offered: Alternate Years, fall semester.
Semester credits: 4.

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MATH 422 Abstract Algebra II

Content: A two-semester sequence in abstract algebraic systems. Structure of groups, subgroups, quotient groups, homomorphisms, fundamental isomorphism theorems, rings, ideals, integral domains, polynomial rings, matrix rings, fields, Galois theory, advanced topics in linear algebra.
Prerequisites: MATH 215. MATH 225. MATH 421.
Restrictions: Sophomore standing required.
Usually offered: Alternate Years, spring semester.
Semester credits: 4.

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MATH 442 Advanced Topics in Analysis and Topology

Content: Multivariable real analysis with applications to differential topology. Topics selected from fixed-point theorems, implicit and inverse function theorems, integration, manifolds, homotopy, and homology.
Prerequisites: MATH 225, MATH 233, and MATH 341.
Restrictions: Sophomore standing required.
Usually offered: Alternate Years, spring semester.
Semester credits: 4.

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MATH 444 Practicum

Content: Internship or practicum to be arranged with instructor.
Prerequisites: None.
Restrictions: Sophomore standing and consent required.
Usually offered: Annually, fall and spring semester.
Semester credits: 1-4.

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MATH 451 Probability and Statistics I

Content: A two-semester sequence in the theory of probability and mathematical statistics. Elementary probability, discrete and continuous random variables, distributions, limit theorems, point estimation, hypothesis testing, linear models, analysis of variance, nonparametric statistics.
Prerequisites: MATH 215 and MATH 233.
Restrictions: Sophomore standing required.
Usually offered: Alternate Years, fall semester.
Semester credits: 4.

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MATH 452 Probability and Statistics II

Content: A two-semester sequence in the theory of probability and mathematical statistics. Elementary probability, discrete and continuous random variables, distributions, limit theorems, point estimation, hypothesis testing, linear models, analysis of variance, nonparametric statistics.
Prerequisites: MATH 215 and MATH 233.
Restrictions: Sophomore standing required.
Usually offered: Alternate Years, spring semester.
Semester credits: 4.

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MATH 490 Topics in Mathematics

Content: Determined by student and/or faculty interest. May continue topics from an existing course or explore new areas. May be taken three times for credit under different topics.
Prerequisites: None.
Restrictions: Sophomore standing and consent required.
Usually offered: Alternate Years, fall and spring semester.
Semester credits: 4.

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MATH 491 Thesis Preparation

Content: Independent research project culminating in a written thesis proposal. Details determined by student in consultation with supervising faculty member.
Prerequisites: None.
Restrictions: Instructor consent required.
Usually offered: Annually, fall and spring semester.
Semester credits: 1-4.

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MATH 496 Senior Thesis

Content: Independent research project, based upon revision of thesis preparation project or summer research experience, suitable for granting departmental honors. Details determined by student in consultation with supervising faculty member.
Prerequisites: None.
Restrictions: Permission of department to pursue honors. Instructor consent required.
Usually offered: Annually, fall and spring semester.
Semester credits: 4.

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MATH 499 Independent Study

Content: Independent study topic to be arranged with instructor.
Prerequisites: None.
Restrictions: Sophomore standing and consent required.
Usually offered: Annually, fall and spring semester.
Semester credits: 1-4.

Quantitative Reasoning Courses

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QR 101 Foundations of Quantitative Reasoning

Content: Students will apply mathematics, statistics, and algebra to quantitatively analyze, model, and solve problems in authentic contexts with a focus on effectively reporting the results and conclusions. Topics include units, dimensional analysis, estimation, percent change, proportional reasoning, linear and exponential modeling, systems of equations, charts and graphs, descriptive statistics, logarithmic scale, linear regression, correlation, and what-if analysis. Emphasis on using computational tools.
Prerequisites: ALEKS score of 30 or above.
Usually offered: Annually, fall and spring semester.
Semester credits: 4.