
Coordinator: Mollie Galloway, Chair; Teaching, School Counseling, and Leadership Studies

Lewis & Clark offers several courses for undergraduates who wish to explore the field of education. Students interested in becoming educators are encouraged to take ED 205 Education in a Complex Society and ED 446 Reimagining Teaching and Learning. Both courses are taught by faculty members in the Lewis & Clark Graduate School of Education and Counseling. The ED 446 class incorporates an off-campus experience in elementary, middle, and/or high school classrooms in the Portland area. These courses also provide a strong introduction to educational theory and practice that are necessary for further study in this field.

Students interested in a teaching career in middle or high school are encouraged to choose an undergraduate major related to the subjects they wish to teach. Prospective elementary school teachers might take courses from many disciplines, including mathematics and science. In either case, students are encouraged to meet with faculty members from the graduate school as early as possible in the student’s undergraduate experience to learn more about teaching and discuss course choices. Contact the Teacher Education Department at the graduate school to be directed to the appropriate faculty member.

Lewis & Clark’s Career Center provides many opportunities for students planning to continue in this field, such as volunteer work with community-based educational organizations. Students are also encouraged to attend events sponsored by the Lewis & Clark Graduate School of Education and Counseling, which oversees the College of Arts and Sciences education offerings. The undergraduate school has no major or minor in education. However, the graduate school has excellent teacher education programs and historically has admitted a high proportion of the College of Arts and Sciences applicants. First-year students and sophomores are invited to pursue early admission into a graduate Master of Arts in Teaching degree program via the Teacher Pathways program.


Lina Darwich. Assistant professor of education. Social/emotional learning (SEL), intersection of SEL and social justice, teacher-student relationships. social/emotional well-being of teachers. PhD 2013, MA 2008 University of British Columbia. BA, BEd 1989 American University of Beirut.

Alejandra Favela. Associate professor of education. Bilingual education and reform, culturally and linguistically responsive pedagogy. PhD 2004 Claremont Graduate University/San Diego State University. MA 1994 London School of Economics and Political Science. BS 1992 University of California at Berkeley.

Liza Finkel. Associate professor of education. Science education, teacher education, equity in STEM education, women in science, democratic education. PhD 1993 University of Wisconsin-Madison, MS 1986 University of Michigan, BS 1981 George Washington University.

Alisun Thompson. Assistant professor of education. Social and historical foundations of education, teacher workforce, education policy and reform, teacher education and critical literacies. PhD 2014, MAT 1991, BA 1989 University of California, Santa Cruz.


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ED 205 Education in a Complex Society

Content: Exploration of educational reforms, pedagogical methods, and the sociopolitical issues that shape schools. Activities, readings, and assignments engage students in analysis of the systemic forces that shape schools. Students will critically examine personal and social values and educational practices to deepen their understanding of schools and the social project of equity.
Prerequisites: None.
Usually offered: Annually, fall and spring semester.
Semester credits: 4.

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ED 446 Reimagining Teaching and Learning

Content: In-depth exploration and analysis of the current state and framing of teachers, teaching, and learning, as well as educational theory and reform efforts. Reflection on students' emerging beliefs about schools and teaching. Activities, readings, and assignments integrate theory with practice. Fieldwork in local schools advances understanding of the complexity and art of teaching.
Prerequisites: ED 205.
Usually offered: Annually, spring semester.
Semester credits: 4.

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ED 450 Philosophy and Practice of Environmental/Ecological Education

Content: Overview of current theories about the role of education in developing ecologically literate citizens. The origins of environmental education and consideration of "ecological" education. Focus on relationships between humans and the natural world, and among humans. Cultural factors that may bear on the causes and solutions of environmental problems. Students complete a 15-hour practicum in a community or school setting in which environmental or place-based studies is a central part of the curriculum.
Prerequisites: ED 205.
Restrictions: Sophomore standing required.
Usually offered: Alternate Years, fall semester.
Semester credits: 4.

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ED 455 Science Education in the 21st Century: Why, What, Where, and for Whom?

Content: Students will explore the role of science and scientific knowledge in a democratic society. Through readings, discussion, reflective writing, and experiences in the field, students will: identify factors that influence who chooses to study science in school and/or pursue a career in science and who does not, explore factors that influence who succeeds in science majors and careers, review a range of models for science teaching designed to meet the needs of a diverse population, and consider the role an understanding of science plays in the maintenance of a democratic society.
Prerequisites: ED 205.
Restrictions: Sophomore standing.
Usually offered: Alternate Years, spring semester.
Semester credits: 4.