Graduate Catalog


Lewis & Clark offers an outstanding 13- to 14-month program leading to completion of a Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) degree and recommendation for an Oregon Preliminary Teaching License in one content-area endorsement. Our preservice program for new teachers emphasizes the following:

  • Dynamic learning environments that foster caring, community, equity, and inclusion, and that promote diverse perspectives.
  • Classroom experiences characterized by intellectual debate, rigorous learning, intellectual growth, and dedication to social justice.
  • School and classroom contexts designed to foster connections and to eliminate the impact of barriers to academic success as well as personal growth for all students.
Scholarships and Grants

Various scholarships are available to preservice teacher education students. Information about the selection process for these funds is available on the graduate school's scholarship webpage.

About the Oregon Preliminary Teaching License

Candidates seeking a license to teach in Oregon who successfully complete, in good standing, Lewis & Clark's Preliminary Teaching License program, including all state-required tests and performance assessments, receive institutional recommendation to the Oregon Teacher Standards and Practices Commission (TSPC) for the license.

Applying for Licensure

Candidates must apply for a license directly to TSPC by submitting the appropriate forms, fees, test scores, performance assessment, and transcripts. Applicants must apply for licensure within three years of completion of their respective programs. If more than three years elapse before application is made, the candidate must qualify for recommendation under rules for licensure in effect at the time of application. Information about filing for a license is available from Lewis & Clark's K-12 Educational Career and Licensing Services Office.


Lewis & Clark's graduate programs leading to PK-12 degrees, licensure, and endorsements are accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) and approved by the Oregon Teacher Standards and Practices Commission (TSPC).

Master of Arts in Teaching with Preliminary Teaching License

Lewis & Clark offers a full-time, "summer to summer" program for beginning educators in middle and high school in subject areas including mathematics (choose foundational or advanced), science (choose biology, chemistry, physics, or integrated science), social studies, art, and English language arts. The secondary program prepares candidates for an Oregon Preliminary Teaching License to teach one of these specific subjects. 

The MAT degree in secondary education includes coursework in educational foundations, adolescent development and learning, culturally responsive teaching, content-specific methods, as well as practicum and supervised teaching experiences. The supervised field experience focuses on developing disciplinary knowledge for the purposes of teaching, with an emphasis on research in theory and best practices, including but not limited to creating democratic learning communities, designing educational opportunities that cultivate connections between learners and their communities, and incorporating a range of teaching and technological resources.

MAT candidates begin coursework in mid-June of each year and continue through the following summer. The program includes a full school year of field experience at the candidate's selected grade level with a veteran cooperating teacher in a local school, plus field experience across all grade levels throughout the fall.

The program begins with an orientation in mid-June. Candidates then complete a three-day intensive professional writing course, followed by courses in education and one or two content area electives. After a short break, candidates are expected to begin work with their cooperating teachers the week before the opening of school in the fall (typically the week before Labor Day). During the fall semester, candidates continue to examine subject matter specific to their content area coupled with educational theory and research. In addition, they reflect on their developing professional identity, spending time in a high school or middle school classroom observing and tutoring students, assisting the cooperating teacher, and planning and teaching some lessons. Candidates take on the teaching of one class period in December. In the spring semester, candidates continue to teach the one class they took on in December and begin new coursework on campus, with an emphasis on curriculum, inquiry, and classroom management as well as a seminar to support their teaching and job search. After spring break, candidates take on "full-time" teaching, which continues until the end of the public school year. The second summer includes additional coursework in education and disciplinary knowledge. Candidates may be eligible for licensure at the end of 13 months, leaving the second summer session for completion of master's degree requirements.

MAT Degree Requirements

A minimum of 40 semester hours, distributed as follows:

Course Requirements
First Summer
LA 531Writing and the Writing Process1
ED 550Social, Historical, and Ethical Perspectives on Education*2
ED 552Adolescent Development: Understanding Your Learners*2
ESOL 540Culturally Responsive Teaching in Linguistically Diverse Classrooms*2
Fall Semester
ED 540Secondary Field Experience I*2
ED 553Teaching for Social Justice: Secondary Field Experience Seminar I*1.5
ED 551Literacy and Teacher Research*2
ED 533Legal Issues in Education*1
ESOL 535AStrategies and Materials for Teaching English Language Learners Part I*1
ART 579Teaching Art to Adolescents*4
or LA 579 Teaching Language Arts to Adolescents
or MATH 579 Teaching Mathematics to Adolescents
or SCI 579 Teaching Science to Adolescents
or SS 579 Teaching Social Studies to Adolescents
SPED 505ATeaching Students With Exceptionalities in Inclusive School Settings I0.5
Spring Semester
ED 541Secondary Field Experience II*3
ED 554Teaching for Social Justice: Secondary Field Experience Seminar II*1.5
ED 560Classroom Climate: Co-Building a Learning Community*2
ART 564Curriculum and Inquiry: Art*3
or LA 564 Curriculum and Inquiry: Language Arts
or MATH 564 Curriculum and Inquiry: Mathematics
or SCI 564 Curriculum and Inquiry: Science
or SS 564 Curriculum and Inquiry: Social Studies
ESOL 535BStrategies and Materials for Teaching English Language Learners Part II*1
SPED 505BTeaching Students With Exceptionalities in Inclusive School Settings II0.5
Second Summer
ED 543Secondary Field Experience III*3
ED 573Teaching for Social Justice: Building Classroom Community Now and in the Future*1

In order for a student to be recommended for the Oregon Preliminary Teaching License, all courses with an asterisk must be complete, along with one subject-area elective, the edTPA, and all required tests.

Content-Area Courses

A minimum of 6 semester hours and three courses in the student's designated content area.

Graduate Convocation Requirement

Students must attend Convocation (CORE 500).

Master of Arts in Teaching with Secondary Preliminary Teaching License and ESOL Endorsement

NOTE: No applications will be accepted to the Secondary MAT with ESOL program for the 2024-25 academic year.

Public schools are experiencing significant demographic shifts with sometimes dramatic increases in speakers of languages other than English. Some aspiring educators may wish to have more extensive preparation for working with culturally and linguistically diverse students. Students preparing to become teachers in the secondary program can pursue a 50-semester-hour program of study that will allow them to earn an English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) endorsement alongside their MAT degree and Oregon Preliminary Teaching License in a general education subject area (admissions preference is given to native bilingual speakers). Possessing an ESOL endorsement early in your teaching career can provide a significant benefit to you as you seek jobs and prepare to work with diverse students and families in schools. 

The secondary MAT with ESOL Endorsement Program requires 10 additional semester hours of coursework in ESOL topics. In addition to the full-year student teaching placement for the MAT degree, students also complete an ESOL practicum during the fall and spring semesters (which may or may not occur in the same school site as MAT student teaching). Preparation for the endorsement will be focused at the secondary level. Most students will be able to apply to the Oregon Teacher Standards and Practices Commission for a Oregon Preliminary Teaching License in their content area at the end of 13-months and again, at the end of their 15-month program, for an ESOL endorsement.

Degree Requirements

A minimum of 50 semester hours, distributed as follows:

Required Courses

The 40 semester hours required for the secondary MAT degree and the following courses. NOTE: Students enrolled in the MESOL track will take ESOL 501A and ESOL 501C instead of ESOL 535A and ESOL 535B.

ESOL 500Historical and Legal Foundations of Educating ESOL Students (taken during second summer)3
ESOL 501BStrategies for Teaching Content & Language to ESOL Students II1
ESOL 505ESOL Practicum (Elementary - Multiple Subjects)0.5-2
ESOL 507Language Acquisition and Development (taken in the first summer)3
ESOL 541The Role of Community in Support of ESOL Students1
Graduate Convocation Requirement

Students must attend Convocation (CORE 500).

MAT Courses

First Summer

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LA 531 Writing and the Writing Process

Content: Increasing teachers' understanding of the writing process, primarily by working on their own prose writing. Students write, read their work to peers, and receive feedback. This personal experience provides opportunities to reflect on common writing problems and issues teachers across disciplines encounter in their classrooms. Topics include recent research and theory in composing as well as practical teaching techniques that can be integrated to enhance learners' experiences. Required introductory course in the Secondary Program.
Prerequisites: None.
Restrictions: Admission to the Secondary Program.
Credits: 1-2 semester hours.

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ED 550 Social, Historical, and Ethical Perspectives on Education

Content: Critical and comprehensive review of education and schooling in American society. Considers education in its larger socioeconomic, political, ideological, and cultural contexts and examines race, class, gender, and culture in the formal educational system. Analyzes issues of goals, funding, governance, curricula, policy, staffing, and reforms both in historical and contemporary forms. Participants study education both as a microcosm of society, reflecting the larger struggles in the country, and as a quasi-autonomous entity.
Prerequisites: None.
Restrictions: Admission to a preservice teacher education program.
Credits: 2 semester hours.

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ED 552 Adolescent Development: Understanding Your Learners

Content: Discussion, critique, and application of current research on adolescent development, understood from psychosocial, culturally responsive, and justice-oriented perspectives. Explores theories of cognitive, relational, sexual, moral, and spiritual development with an emphasis on the middle- and high-school student's construction of identity as it is shaped by culture, ethnicity, gender, linguistic heritage, race, sexual orientation, and socioeconomic status. Examines strategies for promoting resilience and engaging students in learning experiences that are responsive to development levels and cultural contexts. Also investigates insights from neuropsychology and the impact on adolescent well-being as a result of risk-taking behaviors, societal (mis)interpretations of youth, and the ubiquity of digital media.
Prerequisites: None.
Restrictions: Admission to Secondary Preservice Program.
Credits: 2 semester hours.

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ESOL 540 Culturally Responsive Teaching in Linguistically Diverse Classrooms

Content: This course focuses on culturally responsive teaching practices that engage culturally and linguistically diverse students. Candidates consider how culture, race, identity, language and immigration factors impact schooling. Through the lens of classroom practice, school engagement, and community resources, candidates develop tools for being a culturally responsive practitioner.
Prerequisites: None.
Restrictions: Admission to a preservice teacher education program.
Credits: 2 semester hours.

Fall Semester

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ED 551 Literacy and Teacher Research

Content: Understanding the central importance of language and the social construction of knowledge guides the work of this course. Teacher candidates examine issues of diverse perspectives as well as an integrated, process-oriented approach to reading and writing in the subject field. The teacher research component stresses qualitative methods for understanding the learning environment and the meaning-making systems of students. At their field experience sites, preservice teachers conduct interviews and apply ethnographic methods as well as observation systems to diagnose the meaning-making strategies of a selected middle or high school student. They use this experience to identify resources and practices for supporting all students in improved literacy learning.
Prerequisites: None.
Restrictions: Admission to Secondary Preservice Program.
Credits: 2 semester hours.

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ED 540 Secondary Field Experience I

Content: Part-time student teaching experience in a middle-school or high-school classroom under the supervision of a mentor holding the same content area endorsement as the teacher candidate. Candidates teach their first work sample in this classroom. In addition, they spend a series of full-time days in the classroom of a teacher in another building at their second level of authorization.
Prerequisites: Take ED 553
Corequisites: ED 553.
Restrictions: Admission to Secondary Preservice Program.
Credits: 2 semester hours.

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ED 553 Teaching for Social Justice: Secondary Field Experience Seminar I

Content: Teacher candidates take part in a professional seminar that supports their fall student teaching. Topics include teacher identity, professionalism, reflective practice, renewal of and support for teachers, observation protocols, and the creation of democratic learning communities. Teacher candidates gain practice in teaching through a concurrent internship placement in a middle school or high school. Candidates also participate in the School Exchange, and complete the Transition to Teaching assignment in preparation for taking over the role as lead teacher for one class.
Prerequisites: None.
Restrictions: Admission to Secondary Preservice Program.
Credits: 1.5 semester hours.

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ED 533 Legal Issues in Education

Content: Students examine legal issues related to the teaching profession so that secondary teachers are literate about how the law affects them and their students, including students with exceptionalities. Utilizing a case-study approach, participants explore topics including responsibilities and liabilities; teachers' and students' rights; the scope and limits of personal freedom of expression, religion, and association as well as personal appearance and privacy; due process rights; discrimination and equal protection; teacher contracts, evaluation, and collective bargaining; and the general education teacher's roles and responsibilities in special education processes, with the goal of providing all students with a free and appropriate public education (FAPE) in the least restrictive environment (LRE) as required by law.
Prerequisites: None.
Restrictions: Admission to Secondary Preservice Program.
Credits: 1 semester hour.

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ESOL 535A Strategies and Materials for Teaching English Language Learners Part I

Content: This course is designed to prepare pre-K-12 preservice teachers for meeting the linguistic and academic needs of English Language Learners by providing an overview of language acquisitions theory and program components. Teachers will also identify resources (personnel and materials) to effectively serve linguistically diverse populations.
Prerequisites: None.
Restrictions: Enrollment in a preservice teacher education program.
Credits: 1 semester hour.

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SPED 505A Teaching Students With Exceptionalities in Inclusive School Settings I

Content: Who are students with exceptionalities and how do we adapt curriculum to meet their needs? This course addresses characteristics of student exceptionalities, principles and practices for effective planning, instruction, and assessment of all students, and prepares teacher candidates to advocate for appropriate instruction for all students in the least restrictive environment. Emphasis placed on Special Education law and providing relevant information for the development of individualized education plans (IEPs).
Prerequisites: None.
Restrictions: Admission to a preservice teacher education program.
Credits: 0.5 semester hours.

Subject-Area "Teaching to Adolescents" Courses
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ART 579 Teaching Art to Adolescents

Content: Teaching and learning art in middle-level and high school classrooms. Emphasizes the wide range of instructional issues and concerns encountered in the art classroom. Links disciplinary knowledge related to state standards on creating, presenting, responding and connecting to the production of a variety of media. Includes planning, organization, and assessment practices using the tenets of backward design, aimed at supporting the successful learning of all students. Emphasizes differentiated instruction to enhance meaningful experience of students with varied interests, developmental levels, and cultural backgrounds. Materials draw upon research from the history and philosophy of the visual arts, with attention to "human constructivist" views and adolescent development. Candidates write the teaching plan for their December teaching.
Prerequisites: None.
Restrictions: Admission to Secondary Preservice Program or consent of instructor.
Credits: 4 semester hours.

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LA 579 Teaching Language Arts to Adolescents

Content: Teaching and learning English language arts in middle-level and high school classrooms. Develops candidates' pedagogical content knowledge by focusing on a student-centered view of teaching literature and composition to adolescents. Candidates read about, discuss, and experience the importance of writing to learning and discovery, the student-teacher conference, writing process in theory and practice, the evaluation of writing, the place of writing in literature classes, and the powerful current that can be transmitted among teenage writers. Drawing on reader-response theory, candidates learn how they can encourage students to respond to texts and lead them from those first responses into analysis of both the text itself and their reading of it. Based on the tenets of backward design, the course looks at planning, organization, and assessment--articulating objectives and linking them to standards, teaching, and assessment. Introduces differentiation of instruction in support of meaningful learning experiences responsive to individual differences, interests, developmental levels, and cultural contexts. Candidates write the teaching plan for their December teaching.
Prerequisites: None.
Restrictions: Admission to Secondary Program or consent of instructor.
Credits: 4 semester hours.

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MATH 579 Teaching Mathematics to Adolescents

Content: Teaching and learning mathematics in middle-level and high school classrooms. Emphasizes meaningful development of mathematical concepts, from pre-algebra through calculus, for the purposes of teaching. Focuses on the importance of cultivating student voice and building from students' prior knowledge through open-ended problem solving and inquiry-based experiences. Supports a view of mathematics as the science of patterns, a way of thinking that all students must embrace in order to fully access democracy in the 21st century. Candidates learn about national standards for school mathematics in grades 6-12 as well as the range of research informing best practices in math education. Particular attention is given to issues of equity, differentiation, culturally relevant pedagogy, assessment, and backward design. Incorporates the use of technology (especially TI-graphing calculators and dynamic geometry software) as tools for deepening mathematical understanding. Candidates write the teaching plan for their December teaching.
Prerequisites: None.
Restrictions: Admission to Secondary Preservice Program or consent of instructor.
Credits: 4 semester hours.

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SCI 579 Teaching Science to Adolescents

Content: Teaching and learning science in middle-level and high school classrooms. Emphasizes the design of investigations, safety, and the role of using a wide variety of science activities in science teaching. Includes planning, organization, and assessment of science teaching and learning, using the tenets of backward design. Pays attention to differentiation of instruction for student needs, articulation of objectives, and their link to teaching, standards, and assessment. Introduces participants to the importance of science as the work of a particular cultural community with shared values and linguistic norms, while examining literature about the challenge students may face in making a "cultural border crossing" into science. Special attention is given to diversity and social justice issues. Materials draw upon research from the history and philosophy of science as well as research about the psychology of learning science, with particular attention to the "human constructivist" views and adolescent development. Candidates write the teaching plan for their December teaching.
Prerequisites: None.
Restrictions: Admission to Secondary Preservice Program or consent of instructor.
Credits: 4 semester hours.

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SS 579 Teaching Social Studies to Adolescents

Content: Developing a conceptual framework for teaching social studies in a democratic society through a social justice framework. Focuses on different ways of organizing instruction and assessing learning in middle- and high-school content areas. Candidates examine historical and contemporary issues in teaching social studies, including philosophy, content, and method. Includes planning, organization, and assessment in subject areas. Pays attention to national and state standards and differentiation of instruction, linking them to teaching and assessment. Engages teaching candidates in meaningful learning experiences responsive to individual differences, interests, developmental levels, and cultural contexts. Candidates learn to assess, document, and advocate for the successful learning of all students and school stakeholders. Candidates write the teaching plan for their December teaching.
Prerequisites: None.
Restrictions: Admission to Secondary Preservice Program.
Credits: 4 semester hours.

Spring Semester

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ED 560 Classroom Climate: Co-Building a Learning Community

Content: Places classroom climate in a socio-political and justice-oriented context by focusing on understanding students' personal, social, and academic needs, creating optimal teacher-student and peer relationships, and co-creating norms and procedures that support democratic learning communities. Critiques coercive methods aimed at achieving obedience and explores schoolwide and classroom-specific practices that draw on student diversity as a resource rather than impediment. Examines culturally responsive and inclusive teaching methods that prevent discipline problems, promote flow, sustain collaborations with parents and other educators, and enhance agency and transparency while maintaining accountability.
Prerequisites: None.
Restrictions: Admission to Secondary Preservice Program.
Credits: 2 semester hours.

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ED 541 Secondary Field Experience II

Content: Intensive student teaching experience in a middle school or high school classroom under the supervision of a mentor holding the same content area endorsement as the teacher candidate. Teacher candidates teach one class on a daily basis, with the support of their mentor and will teach a second work sample in this class. Candidates will also serve as the daily teacher for this single course until the end of the school year. In addition, teacher candidates will spend an increasing amount of time in the classes they will take on after spring break (these might be courses that their mentor teaches or they could be classes taught by another teacher in the same department). The goal is to have all teacher candidates at their site full-time with a 3/4 teaching load during the month of April and beyond.
Prerequisites: ED 540. Take ED 554
Corequisites: ED 554.
Restrictions: Admission to Secondary Preservice Program.
Credits: 3 semester hours.

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ED 554 Teaching for Social Justice: Secondary Field Experience Seminar II

Content: Students take part in a professional seminar supporting their spring student teaching internship. Topics include renewal of and support for teachers, teacher identity, supervision, and reflection on and self-evaluation of teaching practice. Examination of a professional identity continues, including job search strategies and support. Participants gain practice in teaching through a concurrent internship placement in a middle school or high school.
Prerequisites: None.
Restrictions: Current enrollment in Secondary Preservice Program internship.
Credits: 1.5 semester hours.

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ESOL 535B Strategies and Materials for Teaching English Language Learners Part II

Content: This course is designed to prepare p-K-12 preservice teachers for meeting the linguistic and academic needs of English Language Learners by providing an overview of language acquisitions theory and program components. Teachers will also identify resources (personnel and materials) to effectively serve linguistically diverse populations.
Prerequisites: ESOL 535A.
Credits: 1 semester hour.

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SPED 505B Teaching Students With Exceptionalities in Inclusive School Settings II

Content: Who are students with exceptionalities and how do we adapt curriculum to meet their needs? This course addresses characteristics of student exceptionalities, principles and practices for effective planning, instruction, and assessment of all students, and prepares teacher candidates to advocate for appropriate instruction for all students in the least restrictive environment. Emphasis placed planning instruction that is guided by students' IEPs, and adapting curriculum for all learners, including the use of Universal Design for Learning.
Prerequisites: None.
Credits: 0.5 semester hours.

Subject-Area "Curriculum and Inquiry" Courses
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ART 564 Curriculum and Inquiry: Art

Content: Further organizing and applying of appropriate curriculum and teaching approaches to engage mid-level and high school students in meaningful learning experiences responsive to individual differences, interests, developmental readiness, and cultural contexts. Attention to research and theory in art curriculum and pedagogy. Candidates continue to develop as teacher researchers by refining habits of personal and scholarly reflection that examine their professional practice. Topics include backward design in support of planning and assessment; review and application of curriculum materials; social and political contexts that impact curriculum; exploration of the role of inquiry in art. Continued analysis of best practice methodology.
Prerequisites: ART 579.
Restrictions: Admission to Secondary Program.
Credits: 3 semester hours.

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LA 564 Curriculum and Inquiry: Language Arts

Content: Organizing and applying appropriate curriculum and teaching approaches to engage middle-level and high school students in meaningful learning experiences responsive to individual differences, interests, developmental readiness, and cultural contexts. Attention to research in language arts curriculum and pedagogy. Candidates continue to develop as teacher researchers by refining habits of personal and scholarly reflection that examine their professional practice. Topics include backward design in support of planning and assessment; review and application of curriculum materials; social and political contexts that impact curriculum; exploration of the role of inquiry in language arts; and continued analysis and application of best practice methodology.
Prerequisites: None.
Restrictions: Admission to Secondary Program.
Credits: 3 semester hours.

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MATH 564 Curriculum and Inquiry: Mathematics

Content: Organizing and applying appropriate curriculum and teaching approaches to engage middle-level and high school students in meaningful learning experiences responsive to individual differences, interests, developmental readiness, and cultural contexts. Attention to research and theory in mathematics curriculum and pedagogy. Candidates continue to develop as teacher researchers by refining habits of personal and scholarly reflection that examine their professional practice. Topics include: backward design, in support of planning and assessment; review and application of curriculum materials and resources; social and political contexts that impact curriculum; the role of inquiry in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education; the value of math-science integration; and mathematical literacy for the 21st century.
Prerequisites: None.
Restrictions: Admission to Secondary Program or consent of instructor.
Credits: 3 semester hours.

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SCI 564 Curriculum and Inquiry: Science

Content: Organizing and applying appropriate curricular and teaching approaches to engage middle level and high school students in meaningful learning experiences responsive to individual differences, interests, developmental readiness, and cultural contexts. Attention to research and theory in science curriculum and pedagogy. Candidates continue to develop as teacher researchers by refining habits of personal and scholarly reflection that examine their professional practice. Topics include: backward design, in support of planning and assessment; review and application of curriculum approaches, materials, and resources; social and political contexts that impact curriculum; exploration of the role of inquiry in science; the importance of scientific literacy; and the value of math-science integration.
Prerequisites: None.
Restrictions: Admission to Secondary Program.
Credits: 3 semester hours.

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SS 564 Curriculum and Inquiry: Social Studies

Content: Organizing and applying appropriate curriculum to engage middle level and high school students in meaningful learning experiences responsive to individual differences, interests, developmental readiness, learning styles, and cultural contexts. Attention to research and theory on social studies curriculum and pedagogy. Candidates continue to develop as teacher researchers by refining habits of personal and scholarly reflection that examine their professional practice. A continued emphasis on backward design in support of planning and assessment. A variety of social studies lessons are modeled including: leading discussions, using primary documents, role playing, visual literacy, non-linguistic organization, and document-based questions.
Prerequisites: None.
Restrictions: Admission to Secondary Program.
Credits: 3 semester hours.

Second Summer

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ED 573 Teaching for Social Justice: Building Classroom Community Now and in the Future

Content: Provides ongoing support for teacher candidates during their spring student teaching practica. Workshop format encourages the collaborative analyses of challenges that are typically encountered during this phase of the teacher development process. Specific research-based classroom strategies are modeled, critiqued, and applied while modes of critical inquiry introduced in earlier courses are reinforced. Approximately one-third of each session will be dedicated to soliciting, discussing, and troubleshooting self-identified "issues from the field."
Prerequisites: ED 560.
Corequisites: ED-543.
Restrictions: Students must have successfully transitioned into their full "takeover" student teaching in the spring and admission to the Secondary Preservice Program.
Credits: 1 semester hour.

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ED 543 Secondary Field Experience III

Content: Teacher candidates continue their intensive student teaching internship in a middle school or high school classroom under the supervision of a mentor holding the same content area endorsement as the teacher candidate. Interns are at their placement sites full-time contract hours, responsible for a 3/4 teaching load through the end of the K-12 academic year, completing and/or assisting their mentor will all "end-of-school" tasks and activities.
Prerequisites: ED 541.
Corequisites: ED-573.
Restrictions: Admission to Secondary Preservice Program.
Credits: 3 semester hours.

Content Area Courses

Note: Some of the courses listed below may not be offered during the current academic year. Current course offerings are listed in the WebAdvisor course schedule, available online


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ART 510 Teaching Life Through Art: The Creative Process

Content: Exploration of the creative process incorporating studio work, readings, and discussions. Through the language of visual art, students explore ideas about being creative and learn how to integrate the discipline and practice of art in ways that extend their understanding and enhance their capacity to solve problems. Participants employ a variety of techniques, mediums, technologies, and artistic forms--drawing, painting, sculpture, and writing--to exercise their creative self and find their voice. Students are encouraged to reflect on insights from art history, aesthetics, and criticism to critically evaluate their art experience. Incorporates diverse teaching approaches including studio work and lectures.
Prerequisites: None.
Restrictions: Visual art background required.
Credits: 2 semester hours.

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ART 512 Drawing and Painting

Content: Georgia O'Keeffe once said, "I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn't say any other way-things I had no words for." She is not alone in feeling this way. Humans have communicated through images for thousands of years; from cave paintings to comic books, there exists a very human need to draw, paint, and make marks. This class will cover a wide variety of drawing and painting techniques and media. There will be demonstrations, discussions, and time spent working on site. Students will leave with new skills, a small series of work, a sense of community, and a better understanding of the importance of visual communication in contemporary society.
Prerequisites: None.
Credits: 2 semester hours.

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ART 516 Ceramics/Sculpture in Visual Art

Content: Overview of sculpture and ceramics techniques for teachers of art. Covers an introduction to basic two-dimensional forming methods through the design and execution of various functional and sculptural projects. Introduction of glazing and kiln-firing techniques used by secondary art teachers. Exploration of historical and contemporary trends, with an emphasis on diversity in today's secondary art classroom.
Prerequisites: None.
Restrictions: Background in art or art education or consent of instructor.
Credits: 2 semester hours.

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ART 519 Visual Journals in Classroom

Content: This course will introduce visual journals as an instrument for generating ideas and documenting the creative process. Students will have the opportunity to begin their own visual journal. They will participate in several art-making activities over 5 days using a variety of media that encourage the artist to develop creative routines and/or processes. These activities are meant to encourage the artist to develop unique ideas and cultivate an individual point of view. This course will focus mainly on the way the visual journal can support creative thinking in artistic applications, but some attention will be given to writing, text and strategies for making ideas more visual.
Prerequisites: None.
Credits: 2 semester hours.

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ART 534 Printmaking: Silk Screen

Content: Crayon-tusche and glue, paper, photo stencils, and other techniques. Emphasis on multicolor and larger-scale prints.
Prerequisites: None.
Restrictions: Consent of instructor.
Credits: 2 semester hours.

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ART 564 Curriculum and Inquiry: Art

Content: Further organizing and applying of appropriate curriculum and teaching approaches to engage mid-level and high school students in meaningful learning experiences responsive to individual differences, interests, developmental readiness, and cultural contexts. Attention to research and theory in art curriculum and pedagogy. Candidates continue to develop as teacher researchers by refining habits of personal and scholarly reflection that examine their professional practice. Topics include backward design in support of planning and assessment; review and application of curriculum materials; social and political contexts that impact curriculum; exploration of the role of inquiry in art. Continued analysis of best practice methodology.
Prerequisites: ART 579.
Restrictions: Admission to Secondary Program.
Credits: 3 semester hours.

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ART 589 Professional Studies: Special Topics

Content: In-depth examination of topics relevant to practicing professionals. Course content is based upon recent research and directly informs practice.
Prerequisites: None.
Credits: 1-4 semester hours.

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ART 598 Special Studies: New or Experimental Courses

Content: In-depth study of a special topic offered by the graduate school for the first time or on a temporary basis.
Prerequisites: None.
Credits: 1-4 semester hours.

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ART 599 Independent Study

Content: Independent Study enables a student to pursue, in collaboration with a faculty member, an academic course not currently offered. To receive credit for independent study, the student consults with the faculty member before registration to define the course content, title, amount of credit, and academic evaluation. As a general rule, a graduate student may apply no more than three courses of independent study toward a graduate degree or licensure.
Prerequisites: None.
Restrictions: Consent of instructor and submission of application for Independent Study to academic department office.
Credits: 1-5 semester hours.


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MATH 502 Probability and Statistics for the Common Core

Content: Designed specifically for K-12 teachers of mathematics, this course aims to build foundational as well as pedogical content knowledge in the following topic areas: elements of statistics; organizing, displaying and describing data; probability; distributions; sampling; prediction; estimation; correlation; linear regression. Special attention will be given to the Common Core State Standards for mathematics and the role of probability and statistics for all grade levels. Participants will have an opportunity to analyze data sets from a variety of sources using Texas Instruments graphing calculators and Fathom statistical software as tools throughout the course.
Prerequisites: None.
Credits: 2 semester hours.

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MATH 522 Experiencing Geometry

Content: Providing a broad content knowledge perspective on classical and modern as well as euclidean and noneuclidean geometries, this course takes an inquiry-based approach to learning mathematics through open-ended problems. Participants learn to create experiential learning environments that build on their students' ideas, to encourage diverse opinion, to use hands-on explorations, to develop non-test assessments, and to incorporate a range of technological resources toward the end of experiencing geometry.
Prerequisites: None.
Credits: 2 semester hours.

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MATH 525 Pedagogy of Inquiry: Mathematics as Problem Solving

Content: Prepares K-12 mathematics educators to incorporate inquiry and problem solving throughout their pedagogy and practice. Content from geometry, measurement, number, algebra as well as probability and statistics provide context for this perspective on teaching mathematics as a way of thinking. The Common Core State Standards for Mathematics serve as the framework for curriculum planning and assessment. Emphasizes instructional methods that engage students in meaningful learning, respond to individual differences, and leverage social justice.
Prerequisites: None.
Credits: 2 semester hours.

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MATH 527 Algebra for All

Content: Increasingly in our democracy, informed citizens must demonstrate not only fluency with the fundamentals of algebra, but also the capacity to think algebraically. This course explores strategies that support all K-12 students in mastering such skills prior to high school graduation. Participants will review relevant research, explore the history of algebra in the American curriculum, generate multiple-solution pathways for every algebra problem, and examine instructional practices that foster the teaching and learning of algebra throughout a student's mathematical career, all leading to the development of their own robust toolkit for the teaching and learning of algebra.
Prerequisites: None.
Credits: 2 semester hours.

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MATH 549 Algebra and Geometry for Elementary - Multiple Subjects Teachers

Content: Explores older children's development of mathematical concepts. Promotes a problem solving stance, through which students explore a wide range or topics--including proportional reasoning, data analysis, algebraic thinking, and geometry. Priority is placed on ideas that serve as capstones of elementary mathematics as well as cornerstones of secondary mathematics, with an emphasis on developing strategies for equitable teaching of algebra to all students.
Prerequisites: None.
Restrictions: Admission to the Elementary--Multiple Subjects Program or consent of instructor required.
Credits: 1 semester hour.

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MATH 564 Curriculum and Inquiry: Mathematics

Content: Organizing and applying appropriate curriculum and teaching approaches to engage middle-level and high school students in meaningful learning experiences responsive to individual differences, interests, developmental readiness, and cultural contexts. Attention to research and theory in mathematics curriculum and pedagogy. Candidates continue to develop as teacher researchers by refining habits of personal and scholarly reflection that examine their professional practice. Topics include: backward design, in support of planning and assessment; review and application of curriculum materials and resources; social and political contexts that impact curriculum; the role of inquiry in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education; the value of math-science integration; and mathematical literacy for the 21st century.
Prerequisites: None.
Restrictions: Admission to Secondary Program or consent of instructor.
Credits: 3 semester hours.

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MATH 568 Mathematics Assessment for Learning

Content: Intensive application of assessment for improving instruction in the mathematics classroom. Students will demonstrate proficiency creating and using a variety of culturally and linguistically responsive assessment strategies including assessment interviews, formative, and summative lesson and unit assessments. Students will use their assessment data to plan and teach re-engagement lessons and reflect on the outcomes of these lessons.
Prerequisites: None.
Restrictions: Admission to Elementary - Multiple Subjects Program.
Credits: 1 semester hour.

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MATH 579 Teaching Mathematics to Adolescents

Content: Teaching and learning mathematics in middle-level and high school classrooms. Emphasizes meaningful development of mathematical concepts, from pre-algebra through calculus, for the purposes of teaching. Focuses on the importance of cultivating student voice and building from students' prior knowledge through open-ended problem solving and inquiry-based experiences. Supports a view of mathematics as the science of patterns, a way of thinking that all students must embrace in order to fully access democracy in the 21st century. Candidates learn about national standards for school mathematics in grades 6-12 as well as the range of research informing best practices in math education. Particular attention is given to issues of equity, differentiation, culturally relevant pedagogy, assessment, and backward design. Incorporates the use of technology (especially TI-graphing calculators and dynamic geometry software) as tools for deepening mathematical understanding. Candidates write the teaching plan for their December teaching.
Prerequisites: None.
Restrictions: Admission to Secondary Preservice Program or consent of instructor.
Credits: 4 semester hours.

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MATH 589 Professional Studies: Special Topics

Content: In-depth examination of topics relevant to practicing professionals. Course content is based upon recent research and directly informs practice.
Prerequisites: None.
Credits: 1-4 semester hours.

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MATH 598 Special Studies: New or Experimental Courses

Content: In-depth study of a special topic offered by the graduate school for the first time or on a temporary basis.
Prerequisites: None.
Credits: 1-4 semester hours.

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MATH 599 Independent Study

Content: Independent Study enables a student to pursue, in collaboration with a faculty member, an academic course not currently offered. To receive credit for independent study, the student consults with the faculty member before registration to define the course content, title, amount of credit, and academic evaluation. As a general rule, a graduate student may apply no more than three courses of independent study toward a graduate degree or licensure.
Prerequisites: None.
Restrictions: Consent of instructor and submission of application for Independent Study to academic department office.
Credits: 1-5 semester hours.


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SCI 511 Science in Elementary Classrooms

Content: Foundations for teaching science in the elementary school classroom. This course provides content and experiences that address participants' and elementary students' natural intuitive curiosity for science and scientific study.
Prerequisites: None.
Restrictions: Admission to the Elementary--Multiple Subjects Program
Credits: 1 semester hour.

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SCI 512 Planning for Elementary Science Instruction

Content: In this course students will learn how to structure learning experiences in the four main areas of elementary science instruction: Engineering, Physical Science, Earth Space Science and Life Science. Emphasis will be placed on learning how to design inclusive, experiences using state standards for science. Topics include backward design, assessment, and the integration of science content into language arts and mathematics curriculum.
Prerequisites: SCI 511
Restrictions: Admission to Elementary--Multiple Subjects Program
Credits: 1 semester hour.

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SCI 564 Curriculum and Inquiry: Science

Content: Organizing and applying appropriate curricular and teaching approaches to engage middle level and high school students in meaningful learning experiences responsive to individual differences, interests, developmental readiness, and cultural contexts. Attention to research and theory in science curriculum and pedagogy. Candidates continue to develop as teacher researchers by refining habits of personal and scholarly reflection that examine their professional practice. Topics include: backward design, in support of planning and assessment; review and application of curriculum approaches, materials, and resources; social and political contexts that impact curriculum; exploration of the role of inquiry in science; the importance of scientific literacy; and the value of math-science integration.
Prerequisites: None.
Restrictions: Admission to Secondary Program.
Credits: 3 semester hours.

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SCI 579 Teaching Science to Adolescents

Content: Teaching and learning science in middle-level and high school classrooms. Emphasizes the design of investigations, safety, and the role of using a wide variety of science activities in science teaching. Includes planning, organization, and assessment of science teaching and learning, using the tenets of backward design. Pays attention to differentiation of instruction for student needs, articulation of objectives, and their link to teaching, standards, and assessment. Introduces participants to the importance of science as the work of a particular cultural community with shared values and linguistic norms, while examining literature about the challenge students may face in making a "cultural border crossing" into science. Special attention is given to diversity and social justice issues. Materials draw upon research from the history and philosophy of science as well as research about the psychology of learning science, with particular attention to the "human constructivist" views and adolescent development. Candidates write the teaching plan for their December teaching.
Prerequisites: None.
Restrictions: Admission to Secondary Preservice Program or consent of instructor.
Credits: 4 semester hours.

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SCI 580 Teaching Children About the Natural World

Content: Promoting children's understanding of the natural world using everyday materials and observations of living things in the local environment. Participants examine their own, as well as children's, intuitive science notions, while learning to craft safe classroom inquiries and field investigations. The course focuses attention on children's use of language in the context of learning about science and nature as well as the development of inquiry skills.
Prerequisites: None.
Restrictions: Admission to Elementary--Multiple Subjects Program.
Credits: 2 semester hours.

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SCI 589 Professional Studies: Special Topics

Content: In-depth examination of topics relevant to practicing professionals. Course content is based upon recent research and directly informs practice.
Prerequisites: None.
Credits: 1-4 semester hours.

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SCI 593 Survey Middle & High School Sci Curric

Content: Survey of curriculum used in middle and high school science classrooms, including review of typical texts and classroom materials. Inquiry activities appropriate for learning science in the school laboratory are addressed, with careful attention to health, safety, and ethics. Emphasis on exploration of science concepts, teaching strategies, and innovative classroom practices. Consideration of teacher content knowledge, modeling of teaching approaches, and availability of educational resources fundamental to successful instruction in middle and high school science.
Prerequisites: None.
Credits: 2 semester hours.

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SCI 594 Developing Engaging Science Curriculum

Content: This course provides science teacher candidates with the opportunity to apply and refine their curriculum and assessment development skills as they finish the Secondary MAT program. Examples of engaging and science curriculum for middle and high school students will be reviewed, analyzed, and discussed. Research-based strategies for effective teaching in ways that engage science learners in middle and high school will be reviewed. Candidates will utilize Backwards Planning and Ambitious Science Teaching strategies to develop a curriculum unit that can be used in their first year of teaching. Prerequisites: None. Credits: 2 semester hours
Prerequisites: None.
Credits: 2 semester hours.

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SCI 595 Physical Science

Content: Imaginative inquiry in physics and chemistry with careful attention to laboratory safety and intriguing connections among everyday experiences. Topics may include stability and equilibrium, force and balance, sound and vibration, light and shadow, simple electrical circuits, corrosion, chemical and physical changes, acids and bases, and material properties. Provides guidance in preparing classroom science activities and emphasizes the joy of science. Consideration of teacher content knowledge, modeling of teaching approaches, and availability of educational resources fundamental to successful instruction in physical science.
Prerequisites: None.
Credits: 2 semester hours.

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SCI 596 Earth/Space Science

Content: Learning to investigate and appreciate landscape changes and celestial events that occur on scales beyond ordinary experience. Students join in evenings of sky-watching and engage in geological field study of the regional landscape. Participants should be prepared for physical activity during the field component of the course. Addresses teacher content knowledge, modeling of teaching approaches, and availability of educational resources fundamental to successful instruction in earth and space science.
Prerequisites: None.
Credits: 2 semester hours.

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SCI 597 Life Science

Content: Survey of diverse fields such as cell biology, ecology, and genetics, and inquiry activities appropriate for learning science in the school laboratory, with careful attention to health, safety, and ethics. Emphasis on exploration of life science concepts, teaching strategies, and innovative classroom practices. Consideration of teacher content knowledge, modeling of teaching approaches, and availability of educational resources fundamental to successful instruction in life science.
Prerequisites: None.
Credits: 2 semester hours.

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SCI 599 Independent Study

Content: Independent Study enables a student to pursue, in collaboration with a faculty member, an academic course not currently offered. To receive credit for independent study, the student consults with the faculty member before registration to define the course content, title, amount of credit, and academic evaluation. As a general rule, a graduate student may apply no more than three courses of independent study toward a graduate degree or licensure.
Prerequisites: None.
Restrictions: Consent of instructor and submission of application for Independent Study to academic department office.
Credits: 1-5 semester hours.

Social Studies

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SS 516 20th-Century U.S. History: Readings and Curriculum

Content: For teachers of U.S. history or for those who wish to renew previous acquaintance with focal events in 20th-century American history. Students consider changes in history as a discipline, the impact of micro- or quantitative techniques, and how to help students see history as a claim about a record of events. Topics include U.S. reasons for entering World War I, changes in women's work wrought by World War II, the Cuban missile crisis, and desegregation and the civil rights movement. Students learn to integrate fundamental and emergent components of disciplinary knowledge in ways that extend learners' experiences and enhance their own and students' capacities to solve problems. Engages preservice and inservice school personnel in meaningful learning experiences responsive to individual differences, interests, developmental levels, and cultural contexts.
Prerequisites: None.
Credits: 2 semester hours.

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SS 545 Critical Studies in Oregon History

Content: This 2 credit methods course will take students on a journey through the history of the land now called Oregon, from Time Immemorial to the present. Through that journey, we will critically examine the impacts of settler colonialism, systemic racism, and the diversity of interests within the scope of one state. Accompanying the history of Oregon are methods and strategies of instruction that will integrate critical pedagogy with Oregon's new Social Studies standards, Ethnic Studies standards, Tribal History/Shared History standards, and Holocaust/Genocide standards.
Prerequisites: None.
Credits: 2 semester hours.

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SS 548 Climate Justice and the Geography of Inequality

Content: This 2 credit course will use the broad lens of geography, which examines the connections between people and place, to better understand the foundations of global inequality and how this history intersects with contemporary issues of social and environmental justice. By looking at specific stories of people and place, we will examine the relationships that exist between human cultures and the environments in which they are situated - and what can happen to people, culture and the natural world when these relationships are disrupted.
Prerequisites: None.
Credits: 2 semester hours.

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SS 560 Civic Literacy and the US Constitution

Content: This 2 credit methods course presents a study of United States history through the lens of major constitutional cases, issues, and debates, emphasizing social studies teaching methods. Topics will include, but are not limited to: equal protection, voting rights and disenfranchisement, due process, privacy and security, and free speech. These constitutional issues will be placed into their historical context and critically examined with a view toward the critical analysis of systemic injustices, the sustainability of a multicultural democracy, and the future of civic literacy for US students.
Prerequisites: None.
Credits: 2 semester hours.

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SS 564 Curriculum and Inquiry: Social Studies

Content: Organizing and applying appropriate curriculum to engage middle level and high school students in meaningful learning experiences responsive to individual differences, interests, developmental readiness, learning styles, and cultural contexts. Attention to research and theory on social studies curriculum and pedagogy. Candidates continue to develop as teacher researchers by refining habits of personal and scholarly reflection that examine their professional practice. A continued emphasis on backward design in support of planning and assessment. A variety of social studies lessons are modeled including: leading discussions, using primary documents, role playing, visual literacy, non-linguistic organization, and document-based questions.
Prerequisites: None.
Restrictions: Admission to Secondary Program.
Credits: 3 semester hours.

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SS 578 Social Studies for Elementary Teachers

Content: Understanding and applying inquiry and assessment within a social and cultural framework that leads to thematic curriculum development for pre-K through middle school. Participants explore children's intuitive notions and reasoning about social, cultural, and geographic worlds from developmental, social, historical, and cultural perspectives. Topics include intercultural communication and the traditions and contributions of various groups to American culture, diversity, democracy, and civic life, with special focus on Oregon and the Northwest. Students are guided in teaching and assessment practices that draw from children's questions and interests. Children's literature will be integrated as it pertains to the content of this course.
Prerequisites: None.
Restrictions: Admission to Elementary - Multiple Subjects program.
Credits: 2 semester hours.

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SS 579 Teaching Social Studies to Adolescents

Content: Developing a conceptual framework for teaching social studies in a democratic society through a social justice framework. Focuses on different ways of organizing instruction and assessing learning in middle- and high-school content areas. Candidates examine historical and contemporary issues in teaching social studies, including philosophy, content, and method. Includes planning, organization, and assessment in subject areas. Pays attention to national and state standards and differentiation of instruction, linking them to teaching and assessment. Engages teaching candidates in meaningful learning experiences responsive to individual differences, interests, developmental levels, and cultural contexts. Candidates learn to assess, document, and advocate for the successful learning of all students and school stakeholders. Candidates write the teaching plan for their December teaching.
Prerequisites: None.
Restrictions: Admission to Secondary Preservice Program.
Credits: 4 semester hours.

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SS 589 Professional Studies: Special Topics

Content: In-depth examination of topics relevant to practicing professionals. Course content is based upon recent research and directly informs practice.
Prerequisites: None.
Credits: 1-4 semester hours.

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SS 592 Integrating Economics Into U.S. History

Content: Models of economic thought--including classical economists, Marxists, and modern Keynesians--and their relation to topics addressed in U.S. history, government, and current events or contemporary issues courses. How and why have structural economic changes influenced society, politics, and culture in teachers' own areas of interest? Topics include the impact of Adam Smith on early American political thought, the role of market forces in 19th-century labor and populist political issues, mass production and mass consumption, the relevance of Keynes' ideas to the Great Depression and the New Deal, and economic origins of American foreign policy. Students learn to integrate fundamental and emergent components of disciplinary knowledge in ways that extend learners' experiences and enhance their own and students' capacities to solve problems. Engages preservice and inservice school personnel in meaningful learning experiences responsive to individual differences, interests, developmental levels, and cultural contexts.
Prerequisites: None.
Credits: 2 semester hours.

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SS 598 Special Studies: New or Experimental Courses

Content: In-depth study of a special topic offered by the graduate school for the first time or on a temporary basis.
Prerequisites: None.
Credits: 1-4 semester hours.

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SS 599 Independent Study

Content: Independent Study enables a student to pursue, in collaboration with a faculty member, an academic course not currently offered. To receive credit for independent study, the student consults with the faculty member before registration to define the course content, title, amount of credit, and academic evaluation. As a general rule, a graduate student may apply no more than three courses of independent study toward a graduate degree or licensure.
Prerequisites: None.
Restrictions: Consent of instructor and submission of application for Independent Study to academic department office.
Credits: 1-5 semester hours.

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SS 989 Professional Studies: International Special Topics

Content: In-depth examination of topics relevant to practicing professionals. Course content is based upon recent research and directly informs practice.
Prerequisites: None.
Credits: 1-4 semester hours.

Additional Courses for MAT with ESOL Endorsement

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ESOL 500 Historical and Legal Foundations of Educating ESOL Students

Content: Examination of the history of trends and attitudes toward immigrants and learners of English as a second language. Topics include the psychological, social, and political characteristics of bilingualism and biculturalism in the United States and abroad. ESOL teaching is considered in light of laws, research findings, and second-language acquisition theory. Explores the distinction between language difference and disabilities and provides an overview of legal issues pertaining to second-language learners and special and gifted education students. Also provides critical reading of research-based programs, English-language proficiency standards, and standardized test measures. Ensures that educators are not only able to plan and implement programs designed for the optimal learning of all students, but also gives educators the tools to advocate for equity in their schools and school communities.
Prerequisites: None.
Credits: 3 semester hours.

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ESOL 501B Strategies for Teaching Content & Language to ESOL Students II

Content: This course is designed to prepare future ESOL endorsed teachers for meeting the linguistic and academic needs of English Language Learners. It builds on content from ESOL 501A. The course will provide a review of language acquisition theory and an overview of approaches to Sheltered Instruction and English Language Development. Candidates will learn how to identify and use appropriate second language assessment tools, create language objectives and content objective, scaffold content for ELLs, integrate technology, and design lessons that target various levels of language proficiency. There is emphasis on the relationship between first- and second-language literacy, oral language proficiency, and culturally responsive reading comprehension. Participants critically examine curriculum models in relation to student experience.
Prerequisites: None.
Restrictions: For MESOL candidates
Credits: 1 semester hour.

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ESOL 505 ESOL Practicum (Elementary - Multiple Subjects)

Content: Apprenticeship to a mentor who works in a classroom that requires the ESOL endorsement. Practicum may be conducted in a variety of classrooms, such as English as a Second Language (ESL), bilingual, or English Language Development (ELD). Practicum interns work with individuals as well as small and large groups to practice teaching students who are acquiring English as a second language. As part of the practicum, candidates are assigned an on-site mentor and a university supervisor. Candidates are observed teaching two ELD/ESL lessons and two sheltered content lessons.
Prerequisites: None.
Credits: 0.5-2 semester hours.

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ESOL 507 Language Acquisition and Development

Content: Theories of how first and second languages (written and spoken) are acquired, the importance of first-language development and its relationship to the acquisition of other languages, and the relationship of language to cognitive development. Understanding of these issues is used to promote a school environment that honors diverse perspectives and maximizes language learning potential and ensures respect for communities whose languages or varieties of English differ from standard school English. Required for the Reading Interventionist and ESOL endorsements. The initial course in the Reading Interventionist Endorsement sequence and recommended preparation for other language arts offerings.
Prerequisites: None.
Credits: 3 semester hours.

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ESOL 541 The Role of Community in Support of ESOL Students

Content: This course builds on the initial work the candidate did in ESOL 540. The focus is on understanding the student within the context of his/her environment. Candidates develop strategies for working with significant persons in a child's environment to encourage success. Candidates examine barriers to family involvement and learn strategies to encourage the development of positive working relationships between home and school. Candidates explore topics related to language, culture, and immigration. Candidates reflect on their own culturally responsive teaching practices.
Prerequisites: ESOL-540
Credits: 1 semester hour.



In order to be recommended by Lewis & Clark for a teaching license in any state, candidates must complete and pass an assessment portfolio called the edTPA. It is an assessment process that requires teacher candidates to demonstrate the skills needed to enter the classroom ready to teach and help all students learn. Materials assessed as part of the edTPA process include video clips of instruction, lesson plans, student work samples, analysis of student learning, and reflective commentaries.

Preservice candidates will be required to pass the edTPA in order to be recommended for licensure.

Testing Requirements

Teacher candidates must earn passing scores on the following tests in order to receive a recommendation from Lewis & Clark for teacher licensure in any state. Detailed information regarding the point in the program by which candidates must pass each test is available in the Secondary Program Handbook. The required tests are:

  1. ORELA: Protecting Student and Civil Rights in the Educational Environment Exam1
  2. NES: Subject Area Test2
    1. Art 
    2. Biology 
    3. Chemistry 
    4. English Language Arts 
    5. General Science (for the Integrated Science endorsement)
    6. Mathematics (for the Advanced Mathematics endorsement)
    7. Middle Grades Mathematics (for the Foundational Mathematics endorsement)
    8. Physics
    9. Social Science (for the Social Studies endorsement)
  3. NES: English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Test3 (required only for those pursuing the ESOL endorsement)

Students may view completed tests, including scores, by logging into their WebAdvisor account.


As of January 2022, successful completion of program curriculum content complying with the Oregon Teacher Standards and Practices Commission's Program Review and Standards Handbook regarding "Civil Rights and Professional Ethics Responsibilities" may meet the civil rights test requirement. Check with your faculty program director for updates on the status of this requirement.


Check with the Secondary faculty program director on the availability of additional multiple measures options.


NOTE: No applications will be accepted to the Secondary MAT with ESOL program for the 2024-25 academic year.