Undergraduate Catalog



The annual tuition charge for the typical full-time undergraduate student is $64,394. This is based on enrollment for two semesters. Students registered for fewer than 10 semester credits are charged tuition at the rate of $3,220 per semester credit. For the per-credit rate to be in effect, students registered for fewer than 10 credits must notify the registrar before the end of the semester add/drop period. Please refer to the course load policies in Academic Policies and Procedures for details.

The residence costs for students who live on campus are determined according to the room the student resides in and the meal plan they select. Consult the table below for detailed information regarding room and meal plan charges.

Lewis & Clark reserves the right to change the charges for tuition, fees, and residence costs at any time and at the discretion of its Board of Trustees. The following charges are for a two-semester academic year.

2024–25 Tuition and Fees1

Associated Student Body (ASB) Fee3$360
Health insurance (compulsory)4$3,812
Green Power Fee (fall semester only; opt-out allowed)$20
Media Fee (opt-out allowed) $70
Health and Wellness Fee$74
New Student Orientation Fee (fall incoming first-year and transfer students only)$180

Residence Costs5

Double Room$8,856
Single Room$10,106
Campus Apartment$11,380
Board, 19 Meal Plan$7,000
Board, 14 Meal Plan$6,504
Board, 14 Flex $6,792
Flex Only$1,600
Board, 100 Block Plus Flex$4,638

1 Tuition and fees do not reflect any special course fees, such as studio or lab fees, associated with individual classes. To see if any fees apply, view the appropriate class sections on WebAdvisor/Self-Service.

2 Students registered for fewer than 10 semester credits will be charged tuition at the rate of $3,220 per semester credit.

3 Students registered for fewer than 10 semester credits will be charged the ASB Fee at the rate of $18 per semester credit.

4 Students are given one opportunity at the beginning of each fall semester to waive the school’s health insurance coverage for the academic year. For information about waiving the health insurance fee, please see Student Insurance.

5 A meal plan is obligatory for all students who live on campus. Flex is value placed on a student’s ID card, which a student uses like a declining balance. One flex point equals $1 in value. Points carry over from fall semester to spring semester. At the end of the academic year, any unused points are lost.

Books and Supplies

Each student provides the necessary textbooks, equipment, and instructional supplies at the student’s own expense. The cost of books and supplies is estimated at $800 per year. Costs will vary depending on the curriculum and whether the student purchases new or used books. Payments for books and supplies are made directly to the bookstore, located on the middle floor of Fowler Student Center. The bookstore is also accessible online through the Lewis & Clark website.

Flex Points

Flex points allow a student’s ID card to be used like a debit card for Bon Appétit purchases. As a student spends points, the flex point total is reduced by the purchase amount. One point equals $1 in value. Any student (resident or commuter) may add flex points to an ID card at any time by visiting Fields Dining Room on the top floor of Fowler Student Center. Points carry over from fall semester to spring semester. At the end of the academic year, any unused points are lost. Residential students may not purchase flex points in lieu of a required meal plan.

Special Rate for Additional Dependents

Lewis & Clark offers a 10-percent reduction in tuition charges for a second dependent and a 15-percent reduction for additional dependents attending the College of Arts and Sciences at the same time. To qualify for this tuition reduction, the dependents must be enrolled as full-time students and not be receiving institutionally funded financial aid. Students who qualify for this tuition reduction may apply the discount to Lewis & Clark’s overseas and off-campus programs. The reduction will be calculated and applied based on the current rate of tuition for on-campus study.

Associated Student Body Fee

The annual Associated Student Body (ASB) Fee for the typical full-time undergraduate student is $360. This is based on enrollment for two semesters. Students registered for fewer than 10 semester credits are charged the ASB Fee at the rate of $18 per semester credit.

Student Insurance

The cost of the Lewis & Clark student insurance plan is based on annual enrollment. The total cost is $3,812. Lewis & Clark requires that all degree-seeking and visiting undergraduate students have medical insurance coverage comparable to that offered through the school’s comprehensive student insurance plan. Students enrolled in the Academic English Studies Program also are held to this insurance requirement. Students who do not submit an annual health insurance waiver will be automatically enrolled in coverage through the student insurance plan. Students are afforded one opportunity each academic year to waive the school’s coverage. The waiver deadline is the 15th day of the semester in which a student is eligible to complete a waiver.

New Student Orientation Fee

All first-year and transfer undergraduate students are charged a New Student Orientation Fee of $180. New Student Orientation provides a five-day overview of the resources, services, and opportunities available to students. The fee covers some of the expenses (such as meals, publications, and guest speakers) associated with preparing students to begin their first semester at the college.

Green Power Fee

The annual Green Power Fee is $20 and supports Lewis & Clark’s green energy purchasing initiative. This fee is charged in the fall semester. Students are afforded one opportunity each academic year to opt out of participating in the green energy purchasing initiative. Those who wish to do so must complete the opt-out menu located in WebAdvisor/Self-Service by the 15th day of the fall semester. This opt-out applies to the current academic year only.

Media Fee

The per-semester Student Media Fee is $35 and supports groups approved by Lewis & Clark’s Student Media Board. Students are afforded the opportunity to opt out of participating in funding the media fee initiative each semester. The deadline to opt out is the 15th day of each semester. Those who wish to do so must complete the opt-out menu located in WebAdvisor/Self-Service. This opt-out applies to the current academic year only.

Health and Wellness Fee

The per-semester Health and Wellness Fee is $37 and supports the operations of Wellness Services, including the Counseling Service, Health Center, and Office of Health Promotion and Wellness.

Overseas and Off-Campus Program Fee

The semester cost of overseas and off-campus programs is $40,925. Detailed information regarding what is included in the comprehensive fee, as well as additional information regarding costs, can be obtained from the Office of Overseas and Off-Campus Programs.

Academic English Studies Program Fees

Students who have been admitted to the Academic English Studies (AES) Program and are not enrolled in the College of Arts and Sciences are assessed the AES semester tuition charge of $8,292. AES students are subject to the same charges as other College of Arts and Sciences students. AES students will also be charged a $125 late testing/registration fee if they arrive after the announced English proficiency testing day.

Special Fees

Certain courses carry additional lab, studio, or other special fees. Using WebAdvisor/Self-Service, students can view their class sections to verify which, if any, fees apply.

Parking Fees

All vehicles parked on campus must carry a valid Lewis & Clark parking permit. Annual permits are $374 for individual commuters. Semester permits are $187 for individual commuters. See Transportation and Parking for a list of parking permit costs and regulations.

Graduation Application Fee

All graduation candidates are charged a $25 nonrefundable fee at the time of graduation application. The fee covers administrative costs associated with the application process, diploma creation, and commencement.