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Viewing: RELS-298 : Religion and Climate Change

Last approved: Sat, 13 Aug 2022 13:32:30 GMT

Last edit: Fri, 11 Mar 2022 13:24:25 GMT

College of Arts and Sciences
Religious Studies
Religious Studies
Religion and Climate Change
Religion and Climate Change
Examination of the relationship between climate change and the study of religion. Perspectives on how religious identity shapes attitudes toward climate change; the way various religious traditions engage with climate change; the ways in which the concept of “religion” has been shaped by climate change (and how the concept of religion has likewise impacted our understanding of climate change); ways in which climate change itself can be defined as a “religious event.”

Consent of Instructor is always required.
Variable Credit
Once Only
Elective for program?

Required for program?

Letter Grade with Credit/No Credit Option
Is there a course fee?
A tenured, tenure track faculty member or faculty with term

Course Type

Course Type - Major/Minor

Should the course satisfy a major or minor requirement or elective?
Satisfies an elective for the major or minor
Religious Studies

Course Designations

Is the course being proposed to meet the Connect-Portland designation?

Course Scheduling (Including Lab, Studio and Discussion/Conference Time)

Does your course have a separately scheduled lab, discussion, conference or studio section that is associated with the lecture section?

Is this course being taught on an off-campus or overseas study program?

General Education Courses

Is this course intended to fulfill a General Education requirement?
Bibliographic Research in Writing (BRW)
The course will include a staged research and writing assignment act will satisfy the above requirements.
The writing component involves a semester-long research and writing project that includes (1) a prospectus; (2) an annotated bibliography of primary and secondary resources to be used in formulating the research paper; (3) a preliminary outline of the research paper; (4) an ungraded rough draft; and (5) a final draft. Each component involves writing and the first two require research (i.e., identification, analysis, critique and use of primary and secondary sources beyond the scope of the course materials; the third and fourth often require research as well, although optimally all of it is accomplished in phases 1 and 2. All parts are graded except for 4.
I require students to use the CMOS footnotes and bibliography documentation style (with the challenge to them to be complete enough in their footnoting in the final version to omit a bibliography). This necessitates all of the above save the second to last for some students.



None apart from the acquisition (perhaps) of a few books related to the course topic; to be purchased within the normal budget of RELS program,.
Please explain in detail the reasons for adding or modifying this course. In your response, be sure to respond to the following:
The course adds a subject area of emerging interest in Religious Studies.
The course might well serve the ENVS program as an elective.
Few other institutions are offering a course like this; see, however, the example UPen With our emphasis on ENVS as an institution, we should lead on this rather than follow.
This is being proposed as a 298 to see how it goes, whether we want to offer this regularly. To offer it in Spring 2022 Kugler will not teach one of his regular 200-level courses (Jewish or Christian Origins, 224/225). We'll evaluate the prospects of this course going forward after a first offering.
May be accepted by ENVS?
Is this a field placement course?

Does this course require a regularly scheduled class room? (classes that do NOT require a regularly scheduled classroom are for example: field placement only course, thesis, independent study, etc.)

Judy Finch (finchj) (Tue, 22 Feb 2022 23:26:15 GMT): The proposer mentions that ENVS may be interested in applying this course to their major/minor, but doesn't say if this has been discussed. As a temporary, one-time course, it would have to be applied by substitution anyway, so it may make sense to have this discussion with ENVS when/if the course is proposed as a permanent addition.
Kat Merck (kmerck) (Tue, 08 Mar 2022 17:54:05 GMT): Course description edited to conform to catalog style.
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