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Viewing: RHMS-468 : Violence, Resistance, and the Global Terror Society

Last approved: Wed, 31 Mar 2021 16:39:47 GMT

Last edit: Wed, 13 Jan 2021 22:04:55 GMT

Catalog Pages referencing this course
College of Arts and Sciences
Rhetoric and Media Studies
Rhetoric and Media Studies
Violence, Resistance, and the Global Terror Society
Violence, Resistance, & Terror
Examines the role of rhetoric in the social conjuncture understood as the terror wars. Its purpose is to explore how rhetoric, including its varied theoretical approaches and practices, has played a role in the transnational violence of the post-9/11 landscape and in the global and domestic resistance movements born from this conjuncture. The course focuses will include national security discourse, war, surveillance, racialization and violence, media access and narratives, technological development of violence, social media organization and revolution, colonialism and postcolonialism, and contestations around land and resources (particularly across the Middle East and North Africa), all with an attention to critical/cultural as well as discursive and technological tensions. It will also include exploration of the global effects of the Trump presidency and its ensuing insurrection.
RHMS 100. RHMS 301 strongly recommended.
Junior standing required
Consent of Instructor is always required.
Variable Credit
Alternate Years
Elective for program?

Required for program?

Letter Grade with Credit/No Credit Option
The course is a department capstone equivalent; as a result, the seat capacity matches the department capstone seat capacity.
Is there a course fee?
A visiting faculty member

Course Type

Course Type - Major/Minor

Should the course satisfy a major or minor requirement or elective?
Satisfies an elective for the major or minor
RHMS - Capstone requirement

Course Designations

Is the course being proposed to meet the Connect-Portland designation?

Course Scheduling (Including Lab, Studio and Discussion/Conference Time)

Does your course have a separately scheduled lab, discussion, conference or studio section that is associated with the lecture section?

Is this course being taught on an off-campus or overseas study program?

General Education Courses

Is this course intended to fulfill a General Education requirement?



Please explain in detail the reasons for adding or modifying this course. In your response, be sure to respond to the following:
This course advances the goals of the department by adding a capstone course in replacement of the absence of a tenure stream member to the dean's office. It was taught once in SP20 and will be taught again in SP22. In addition, the course objectives continue the department's mission of exploring how we use discourse and messages to construct meaning and coordinate action in various domains, in this case, in the ever present moment of political and social changes evoking increasing violence around the world. That includes the processes of persuasion, advocacy, and resistance throughout civic life, the implications of media on belief and behavior, the power of images to frame reality, and the development of racial and religious identities as we increasingly understand how violence is wrought by, and against, some people in our democracies in different ways than others.
The addition of this course enhances offerings in other departments and programs around the college, particularly the trans and interdisciplinary connections it offers with Ethnic Studies, Sociology and Anthropology, and Middle East and North African Studies.
The addition of this course responds to an important development in the discipline of communication studies, and particularly in rhetorical studies, of interrogating the relationship between violence and rhetoric, particularly as it relates to civic life. As protest and advocacy increasingly addresses the violence faced by members of communities around us, rhetorical studies has amplified its research and study around how violence and rhetoric are intertwined and how persuasion, civic action, and democracy - both domestically and around the world - may be better understood in light of ongoing war actions, violent military-like policing efforts, and growing domestic insurrection movements. More and more courses at peer institutions are emerging to include both this subject area and new research methods within this work.
No other curricular changes need to happen in the department for this to be offered every other year. This will be one of two offered (required) capstone courses in the department in the spring semester, taking the place of a capstone offered at this same regularity by another faculty member currently serving in an administrative position.
No other departments or programs should be impacted by the scheduling of this course since it involves the RHMS majors and minors, as this is a capstone course for the department.
Is this a field placement course?

Does this course require a regularly scheduled class room? (classes that do NOT require a regularly scheduled classroom are for example: field placement only course, thesis, independent study, etc.)

Judy Finch (finchj) (Wed, 13 Jan 2021 20:30:55 GMT): Note that syllabus says 498 but it is for 468.
Kat Merck (kmerck) (Wed, 13 Jan 2021 22:04:55 GMT): Edits made to conform to catalog style.
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